Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tolerance Through Intolerance

Don Imus was fired today for his comments regarding the Rutgers womens' basketball squad. With Imus off the air, we all look forward to CBS Corporation banning all rap artists and comedians who refer to women as "nappy headed ho's" from their airwaves. Oh, that's not going to happen? Well, we at least look forward to Al Sharpton finally retreating back to his New York- based race cave to wait for the next white person to make a mistake, which mistake-free Al has never done before. Oh, he's giving a press conference as I type? Damnit.

Also, Vai Sikahema a few minutes ago implied that the Duke lacrosse players, who didn't rape anyone, still shouldn't have been anywhere near that woman since they are (or were) Division I athletes. This obviously means it's okay to get strippers only if you go to Widener or Cabrini, and also that just because you play a big time sport (which lacrosse isn't) you shouldn't do what dudes like to do. My first week at college I went to 2 parties that featured strippers, they were awesome and full of athletes (if you count frisbee), and nothing bad came of them except for allegations of post-party masturbation in the house bathrooms. Vai Sikahema went to BYU; what does he know about collegiate temptation? Did someone once dare him to chug Scope? Anyway, it's bothersome that these Duke dudes, whose lives have been forever altered, are still made out to be villains, and that the nappy headed ho who accused them is basically off the hook. Notice I don't say their lives are ruined- they're white males who went to Duke; they'll be just fine.

I'm tired of hypocrisy, and the moral high ground pundits and media folks love to stand on when viewing things from afar. Real people say dumb things; they make off-color jokes; they like to see naked women. Athletes and entertainers, as high as people's opinions of them may be, can't help but be people. It's a condition they'll never shake.
PS- I hate Don Imus and am glad he's gone. Also, what he said was wrong.

1 comment:

Mark dlV said...

I am eagerly anticipating the takes from hacky sportswriters tomorrow.