Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hey, how 'bout them Flyers?

We've been getting a lot of mail, or so I will have you pretend to believe, about our lack of coverage of the Flyers and the playoffs excitement surrounding them. First of all, we specifically apologize to the Flyers in the blog's heading for our lack of coverage of them. IS THAT NOT ENOUGH? For further explanations of why we're not giving them a lot of attention, lookie here-

1. Lack of hockey knowledge. Between Mark and I, we can name a total of about 12 NHL players and the team they play for. This includes Flyers. And the reason we have so little knowledge is...

2. Lack of hockey interest. This was not always the case. Growing up in the suburbs of Philly, we were bombarded daily with Flyers chat and kept up with their goings on. But these days, with Mark living in the hockey dead zone of Chicago and me downtown in Philly where hockey is a distinct No. 4 of the major sports (and soon to be No. 5 when soccer comes), the other 3 sports just get much more of our tireless devotion to grown men playing games for outrageous sums of money.

2A. The Lockout. This was what killed hockey for me. I was already drifting away from it, and then the whole 2004-2005 season was cancelled. When the NHL came back, I realized I hadn't missed hockey all that much, especially since I'd filled the time with a home locksmithing course from ICS. Thank you, Sally Struthers.

3. Coatsey's Corner. Just kidding. Or am I? Actually, the hockey nicknaming convention of just adding a "y" to the end of everyone's last name (or a shortened version of it) is pretty annoying. Mosquito swarms at a BBQ annoying.

I still enjoy going to see live hockey a great deal. And hey, we're enjoying watching the Flyers playoff games and looking at other teams playoff rosters and saying "He's still in the league?" and "Holy shit, I didn't know he was on the Sharks."

Maybe we're bad fans for jumping on the bandwagon at playoff time, but as I always say, it's better to be on the bandwagon than under its wheels having your internal organs crushed into paste.

1 comment:

Mark dlV said...

Apparently they lost last night. I would not know as the game was not broadcast nationally. Even the Arena Football League conference semifinals are broadcast nationally.