Every Sunday, the Philadelphia Inquirer allows Don McKee to share his thoughts on the Philadelphia Sports World in his column, Incites, which is ironical in itself as the column is never insightful or inciting. It's never even interesting. The following was printed in his column today:
The only team from Boston, New York or Philadelphia to make the playoffs in the NBA or NHL this season was the Islanders, a stepchild most Noo Yawk-ahs scorn. The Bruins, Celtics, Rangers, Knicks, Flyers and Sixers all have been on the golf course for weeks.
That must be a different Rangers team that is taking on the Sabres this afternoon in second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs.
Either the Inquirer's cutbacks have really hit the editing department hard, or they just figure that no one really reads McKee's weekly drivel. Probably the latter.
The only team from Boston, New York or Philadelphia to make the playoffs in the NBA or NHL this season was the Islanders, a stepchild most Noo Yawk-ahs scorn. The Bruins, Celtics, Rangers, Knicks, Flyers and Sixers all have been on the golf course for weeks.
That must be a different Rangers team that is taking on the Sabres this afternoon in second round of the Stanley Cup playoffs.
Either the Inquirer's cutbacks have really hit the editing department hard, or they just figure that no one really reads McKee's weekly drivel. Probably the latter.
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